25 / 07 / 2008

bank/train robbery

DreamlogWriting / Posted by Rich

i dreamt that we had robbed bank. or a train.
we had our getaway all planned.
we had a big lorry full of loot that we were going to drive to a hanger, put all the stuff on a plane and fly away.
it all went wrong though.
the police were in hot pursuit (why is pursuit so hot?)
when we got to the hanger it wasn’t quite how i remembered it.
the plane was on the roof?
we crammed as much stuff into our rucksacks as we could manage and climbed up onto the gantry that ran along the wall.
the ganrty was very narrow with no railing.
to get to the ladder that led to the roof we had to cross the narrowest part.
there was no way we could do it with our bags, but we didn’t want to give up our loot.
so we sat there, five metres above the police and their sharp-shooter teams. the hanger filled with spinning lights.

i looked around desperately for an escape route but there was no other way out.
eventually the negotiators arrived. they looked like actors - like they’ed just come off the set of ‘law and order: criminal intent’.
‘they’re not going to break me’ i thought.
we argued for a little while. much witty repartee flowed, coupled with some rather base hand gestures (mostly mine).
eventually, and with much reluctance, we did come down and we were arrested.
we were sent to a prison which also doubled as an art gallery.
the prison warden lectured us about the artworks and the severity of our crime. ‘do you know how much trains cost?’ he asked us.
i’m not sure if we robbed a train or actually tried to steal the train itself.
as the warden showed us around i was continually looking for opportunities to escape - dark video projection rooms seemed particularly good for hiding.
but when i tried to escape i was easily caught. their security was too good.
we had to resign ourselves to the fact that we would spend the rest of our lives here.


Updated 04 / 03 / 2024

Sculpture by Rich White (cc) by-nc-sa 2024
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