
Rich White can be contacted in the following ways:
Telephone: +44(0)7812444612

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Rich White makes installation works about location, sense of place and the relationships that develop between people and their environment.

Key aspects of his practice are resonance and discovery. Works are informed by research of the locality, dictated by architecture and space, and through the uncovering of stories of identity, memory, place and history. These findings are used to develop work that resonates with the location and the viewer. The work also provides a sense of discovery; installations are immersive and interactive, allowing the viewer to explore the physical environment and discover new perspectives and information.

The forms the works take are often unknown at inception; beginning with site visits and research, and organically shaped by the limitations of space, material and self-imposed restrictions. White challenges himself to pragmatically develop and craft new techniques and methods as the work progresses; drawing on familiar patterns, local history and material connections. Coincidence plays a creative role in his practice; chance encounters with places, people or materials inform the development of the work, creating sculpture that responds to the varied perspectives people have of their locations and the events that shape them.

'Rich White's site-specific interventions intend to provoke subtle alterations in a viewers subjectivity. A skilled and experienced artist, he was a pleasure to work with and we look forward to inviting him back to Motorcade/FlashParade.'
Julie McCalden
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SCULPTURE Publication
Documenting twenty-five works in public and exhibition spaces.

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Employment Possibilities

Rich is available for commissions, assistant work and design services.

Full details of skills and services including:
Sculpture/installation ⋅ Workshops ⋅ Consultancy ⋅ Artists' Assistant ⋅ Gallery Technician ⋅ Wood and Metal Fabrication ⋅ Design and Photography
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Updated 10⋅11⋅2024

Sculpture, photography and drawing by Rich White CC BY⋅NC⋅SA 2025
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