
CUTE Arcade

Earlier this year I fabricated some blank arcade machine-style cabinets for Now Play This as part of their installation for CUTE at Somerset House.

The exhibition runs until 14th April.

Photos: Somerset House Trust © Tim Bowditch

DiaryNews ⋅ Posted by Rich


Sound Lounge

I recently finished work fabricating the Sound Lounge - a new community space and library at the Bristol Beacon.

Design was by Northover & Brown and the project was produced by Cathy Mager.

DiaryNews ⋅ Posted by Rich



I don’t know about you but I found the pandemic and the lockdowns to be a time of very little creativity.

Having all of that spare time was a boon for a lot of people - giving them the time to do all of those things they didn’t have time to do before. I, personally, found that the level of uncertainty: about jobs, income, the virus itself and how it was handled, just stopped me from being able to think about making any work.

The time has not been totally devoid of creativity.

I got a couple of projects over that period (Observatories and Guidepost, both for the Forest of Dean Sculpture Trust) but I was only able to do these because, as with most of my work, I was given a brief and a set of parameters.

I also spent a lot of time getting moderately more serious about making music. I’ve been writing and recording songs in various guises since the 90s, but it took the pandemic for me to actually take the time to write, record and put together a small collection of songs under the name Engine of Growth and actually release them into the wild. You can listen, and buy if you want, at Bandcamp.

Now we’ve emerged from the pandemic (even though it’s not entirely gone away) and places have opened up again, I feel it’s time to take stock of where I am. I’ve been applying for projects (as opportunities are starting to appear again), and I’ve given this website a little make-over. I’ve been thinking a lot about what kind of work I should make if I were setting projects for myself.

I feel like I need to get stuck back in to making things again.

DiaryNews ⋅ Posted by Rich


Guidepost for The Forest of Dean Sculpture Trail

I’ve designed a new sculptural structure to display the Forest of Dean Sculpture Trail’s map and information panel.

In a change from my usual practice, it’s being fabricated by Faulds Creative Works.

DiaryNews ⋅ Posted by Rich



I recently completed a lockdown commission for the Forest of Dean Sculpture Trust.

See documentation here and download a pdf with things to print and do here.

DiaryNews ⋅ Posted by Rich


We Won a Thing

On Thursday night I attended the Living Waterways Awards, in which a project I worked on was nominated in the Art, Culture and Events (Large Project) category.
We won!

We had a lovely night. Congratulations to all the nominees and winners, there were some fantastic projects throughout.

See a full list of winners here.

News ⋅ Posted by Rich


UPDATE: Living Waterways

UPDATE: The Ring has been shortlisted!
The Ring, of which my project Occupation was a part, has been nominated for a Living Waterways Award. Results to follow.

News ⋅ Posted by Rich



One of the wonderful things about working on a long-form project like Occupation is being able to see the changes that take place on the site as time passes and the seasons change.

I have now spent the best part of eight months working regularly on the Island. I have worked in the snow, the rain and the baking hot sun, and when the river is so high the weir no longer makes a sound. I have seen how activity on the water has changed as the holiday season kicks in, how C&RT volunteers and staff have changed their focus to different aspects of the waterway in response to the requirements of the seasons, and how the Island itself has altered due to both natural and artificial intervention.

When this project first started it’s initial intention was to briefly return Diglis Island to a state of activity again - so that viewers passing by on the tow path would see something noticeable happening for a short period of time and wonder what might be going on. After many conversations with visitors, and overhearing comments from passers-by it is clear that this has been noticed and enjoyed by many people. One of the main comments, however, has been the expression of disappointment over the fact that the work is only temporary.

What I have come to understand is that the work is not only about the activity on the Island (of the past, present and future) but also about the effects of time and a sense of change. It was always the intention for the work to be temporary - a short moment where something appears, changes and then disappears again - but it also reflects the ongoing life of the Island and how this changes.

All aspects of this place are temporary, but some are more temporary than others. The Island itself seems pretty permanent, but there was a time when it was not an island, and there may be a time when it is not again. The people who have worked on the Island have come and gone, yet new people join the team at C&RT and start their working life. The Island looks the same, but it has also changed. Occupation itself is slowly changing through my regular visits, and, when it finally comes down at the end of September, the Island will be returned to the state it was in before the project began, albeit slightly changed.

ExhibitionNews ⋅ Posted by Rich


I’r Môr / To The Sea

I have been commissioned to produce a new work for Castell03 at Caernarfon Castle.

The project ‘brings together visual artists, poets, musicians, scientists and historians to reflect on the theme ‘To The Sea’, which coincides with Visit Wales Year of The Sea 2018.’

I am collaborating with poet Rhys Iorwerth to create a response to the slate dias installed in the castle for the investiture of Prince Charles as the Prince of Wales in 1969.

The exhibition takes place from 15 to 24 June.

Contributors include:
Najia Bagi, Megan Broadmeadow, Caro C, Jackie Chettur, Nicky Deeley, Lynn Dennison, Alex Duncan, Thomas Goddard, Rebecca Hardy-Griffith, Harrop & Horrell,  Gweni Llwyd, Joe Roberts, Rosalind Holgate Smith, Katie Surridge, Mathew Williams, with Cywion Cranogwen, Angharad Price, Gwilym Bowen Rhys, Iwan Rhys, Math Roberts, Iestyn Tyne, Marged Tudur.

ExhibitionNews ⋅ Posted by Rich


Mark Tanner Sculpture Award

I have been shortlisted for the Mark Tanner Sculpture Award.

The other shortlisted artists are: Liam Fallon, Anna Reading, Tabatha Andrews, Elly Thomas, Jessie Flood-Paddock, Lynn Fulton and Chris Dobrowolski.

News ⋅ Posted by Rich



Updated 23⋅07⋅2024

Sculpture, photography and drawing by Rich White CC BY⋅NC⋅SA 2024
Site by design